Monday, June 7, 2010

Day 6

Today we all woke up at 9:00 and I was so tired when I woke up I was sooooo tired and I wanted to go back to sleep but I didn't because I wanted to start the day faster! My brother had to go to the doctor because we found a HUMOUNGUS bump on the back of his ear. The doctor said if he has some kind of injury his head that what can happen.... it's sort of weird. Today was sunny then cloudy then sunny. We came home after the doctors and I started reading my summer reading books. I am reading The evolution of Calpurnia Tate! I haven't read much though, then I had to go running from 7:00 to 7:45! I just finished my shower and I feel much better! I am watching curious George with my bro. right now!


  1. I hope Lucci is OK. Today was Monday so back to work. Yesterday Clover was in a show and won lots. It was a good day for her and Gpa. Tonite Betsy and Kristine came over. Kristine got an apartment in Chicago and moves there in a couple of weeks to start her new job. I emailed you a funny pic of Neil. Pretty nice today, only 78 degrees with some sun and clouds. We are supposed to have rain Tues/Wed. Made plans for a camping trip to Johnson Shut Ins with the Shafers in July. Should be fun. Wish you were here. Hope you are having fun. Still waiting for the pics of your new place! Love you lots! XOXOXOXOXO Gma

  2. UGGG gma dont make me feel bad! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! I wish I could come I've never missed a cmping trip ( Ithink)! UGH! darn..Well just pre-tend I am there!!!!!!!!! tell everyone I love them lots and I saw the cute and funny pic of Neil.BAD NEIL! hehehehehheh XOXOXOXOX
