Today was a interesting day I woke up at 6:30, and was anxious to go swiming because I wen 1 day without swimming can you believe it! But the good thing is that I got to get a Pedi.. They are a flourecent pink with pretty flower and unnecesary things around it, just for decoration. We sighned up for camp and I chose the all sporta camp! It is at the YMCA in chesterfield. I am enjoying my no mom for a month so far.... Getting spoiled rotten..
Ava: Heyy grammy can I get this
Grandma(g): Wellll...
A: pleaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssse
G: oh alright!
Now my mother
A: hey mommy(blink blink)
M:I know you are aking for something and whatever it is NOOOOOOOOOOO!
A: wahhhhhhhhhhh ( fake cry)
M: oh be qiuet
See how good I get it now!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Mangoes, Lizards and Burkas, oh my....
The first 2 on this list played a large role in the kids summer here (they are now back in the U.S. with family and friends that they missed dearly) due to the 2 mature mango trees in our yard and the abundance of lizards, who seem to procreate faster than cockroaches. Luciano was constantly on Mango duty, running into the house shouting excitedly each time he found one that fell from the tree. They are so juicy, if I can, I make them sit in the shower and eat them, which is the picture you see here, that way it's easy to wash the kids off and eliminates the juicy drips that accompany and the ants that IMMEDIATELY follow. I don't think Luciano necessarily appreciated this, but mangoes are really expensive here, $1-$1.50 per mango, so each fallen mango was like $1+ in my pocket. We went through a dozen or more a week, so I appreciated it much. And then the lizards, many an afternoon was spent capturing, making a home for, playing with, and sometimes accidentally severing the tail of our little lizard friends. And of course, taking pictures with them! As for the burka, well that was how Ava decided her and Luciano should spend the afternoon. A red sheet fashioned into a burka for a three year old, teaching him to belly dance and follow director's orders to make one very entertaining video (which of course I cannot upload because again, the internet connection...) is no small feat.

Sunday, July 4, 2010
Today was cloudy ALL day! I woke around 8ish and had eggs for breakfast. My brother didn't get enough sleep for the night, so he took a nap at 11 in the morning. While he was asleep Mama Tammey ( my bffs mom) came over with her and they ate and we talked about what they did over the vacation while they were here. They leave today, Sunday. They had some awesome things to tell. Like that they found 2 stingrays, 1 was small and gray, the other one was a little bit bigger and it was sandy colored. They left to go visit Samsara( I tell about it in the blog befor this one) so Mama Tammey could show kat ( Mama Tammey's friend that came her bff) what it was like up in the cliffs. It rained on and off:( My brother was awake by then and he was still sleepy and shy and wouldn't really talk to anyone.
Ok... So the Hair Stalker.. So one day we were at the beach this lady came up to my mom and asked if she was my mom then she asked my mom if I wanted to get my hair braided and she had said "no" but I didn't know that because she was on shore and I was in the water. So she asked me and I said yes because I didn't want to be rude or anything, my mom looked at me funny like I was not supposed to day that. So my mom told her that we didn't have any money at the beach right now so the Hair Stalker went away. Then the next day we bascically went threw the same thing, mom said no, I said maybe. So the third day my mom said she had no money, then my mom offered to get my hair braided and pay her tomorrow. My mom was practically positive she would say "no" but she said "yes" so I got my hair braided and then a couple days after that my mom paid her ( oh and by the way she said she would make it cheaper so my mom wouldn't have to pay All of the money) She still asks us for somethings.
bibi my ten minutes with the internet modem over!
Ok... So the Hair Stalker.. So one day we were at the beach this lady came up to my mom and asked if she was my mom then she asked my mom if I wanted to get my hair braided and she had said "no" but I didn't know that because she was on shore and I was in the water. So she asked me and I said yes because I didn't want to be rude or anything, my mom looked at me funny like I was not supposed to day that. So my mom told her that we didn't have any money at the beach right now so the Hair Stalker went away. Then the next day we bascically went threw the same thing, mom said no, I said maybe. So the third day my mom said she had no money, then my mom offered to get my hair braided and pay her tomorrow. My mom was practically positive she would say "no" but she said "yes" so I got my hair braided and then a couple days after that my mom paid her ( oh and by the way she said she would make it cheaper so my mom wouldn't have to pay All of the money) She still asks us for somethings.
bibi my ten minutes with the internet modem over!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Today the whole day was cloudy,it rained, then stopped, then rained, again then stopped for the whole day. We went to a mallish thingy where there were lots of souvenier shops for Patti. TThe first time we came here in Jamaica we stayed up in the cliffs, hotel Samsara. So today we went and visited. They have a deep pool which I love, and an ocean you snorkel off of! My mom worked while I swam....... There was 2 9 yr old boys and 1 girl not sure how old she was.. The boys started calling me girl...hey GIRL. oh GIRl, watch this GIRL! Finallt they asked what my name was! Finally after they said my name ever 3 seconds Patti left, she actually asked me if I could change my name it got so annoying.... Patti left to go sit by the ocean and try to get some sun but it completly cloudy. The boys finally got sooooo cranky so we took them home. For dinner we went to Cosmo's where there are 2 hamocks.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Today I woke at 10:30ish. I woke up to my brother and Kevi (my moms friends son) it is pronounced the same way it is spelled. They were singing the first part of Disturbia (Bum Bum bidum bum bum bi dum dum) It was funny because they were pushing around a pink huge bucket while singing. I shared eggs with my brother. Mom was working at the time and was on the computer and phone. There were big dark like really really dark storm clouds. Then what do you think happened? Alright I'll tell you. It cleared up in 5 minutes then when it was practically cleared, it.............RAINED! Then it got cloudy again then cleared up for the day. We went to Mariners, The place my mom usually stays when she goes to Jamaica. We ( my brother and I) went swimming in the ocean for a good half an hour then when my mom came in she got stung by a jelly fish and this time it left a red mark! But not big a little small mark. She told us to go to the pool then. At Mariners the pool water is usually very cloudy and murky but this time it was clear and refreshing my brother and I had a " Who could jump in the water faster" contest which he won every time ( but of course out of my choice). We then met some people who had just came to Jamaica for the first time . Since they lived in the United States they couldn't use their phones because it would cost them each $1.99 just for any kind of thing, text, call, notifications, etc. So we offered them this Nokia phone they could use for the week. A couple of times ago my mom was at The Jungle, a night club, and met some people from Chicago. Her name is Beth, and the husband is from here, in Jamaica. They are very nice. We went out to dinner with them. The food was delicious! I am now about to go to bed and my mom is reading next to me. Bi!
P.S. Oh and the hair stalker, wait I'll have to tell u tomorrow!=]
P.S. Oh and the hair stalker, wait I'll have to tell u tomorrow!=]
Friday, June 18, 2010
Day 16
Today my mom woke me up at 9, but I didn't realize she woke mw up untill about 9:30.I got up and ate eggs and watched bee Movie AGAIN! After words I made pancakes for my brother and I. Guess what movie Lucci wanted to watch?? od course BEE MOVIE UGGGGG! Mom had to work for awhile so we could go to the beach. At the beach I got my hair braided.I was anxious to swim again. As soon as she was done I said "Thanks so much" then I ran to the ocean. I swam and got stung by a jelly fish like 3 times! Ouch! but it didn't leave any marke it only hurt for like 30 to 40 min. We are now here making dinner. I have know clue what were having. Buhbi!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Today I woke up around 10:30.I had eggs and cereal for breakfast.It was those kind of days where we just stay at home all day:( I was dissapointed because we couldn't go swimming. Me and my brother watched Bee Movie, again. Before when I woke up he was watching Air Buddies. After the movie Lucci had to take a nap. Mom and I watched part of becoming Jane and snacked on icecream. When my brother woke up I was reading for about a half an hour. Then my brother and I painted outside with flourensant colors..... when I finished painting one of my pictures I got an idea! I got another peice of paper then splattered pink, orange, green, and yellow flourensant colors on the the paper.Then I read if it was permanent or not. Then it said that it was permanent so I asked if I could splatter some paint on my shorts and she said yes! Right now my mom is making food and my brother just dropped the camera! >:( Got to go!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Day 12
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Day 8
Joy posting here. Kids are working on building a tent/ reading nook in their bedroom and I'm sitting out on the front porch watching the clouds roll by. This is my favorite time of day, without a/c, it is my only reprieve from the heat. Today was very relaxing, we haven't done much other than read and sleep and eat. I tried a new recipe today - coconut banana pudding - sounded better than it turned out- which was much more soupy than puddingy.
The bump behind Luci's ear is nothing, apparently it's a swollen gland responding to all the bug bites he's received despite my bug spray administering diligence, they are relentless.
Ava forgot to mention yesterday that while we were at the beach she also saw a sting ray and met Jackie Joyner-Kersey's (sp?) coach. There was a group on the beach from St. Louis dancing to Motown having a good 'ol time- everyone takes an immediate liking to the kids- they make fast friends everywhere they go.
I'll do my best to upload some pics and maybe even some video's but the internet connection is painfully slow I can barely check email before timing out. What's really funny is that the box the internet modem came in says, "faster than you want" - Jamaican advertising is laughable...
The bump behind Luci's ear is nothing, apparently it's a swollen gland responding to all the bug bites he's received despite my bug spray administering diligence, they are relentless.
Ava forgot to mention yesterday that while we were at the beach she also saw a sting ray and met Jackie Joyner-Kersey's (sp?) coach. There was a group on the beach from St. Louis dancing to Motown having a good 'ol time- everyone takes an immediate liking to the kids- they make fast friends everywhere they go.
I'll do my best to upload some pics and maybe even some video's but the internet connection is painfully slow I can barely check email before timing out. What's really funny is that the box the internet modem came in says, "faster than you want" - Jamaican advertising is laughable...
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Day 7!
Today I woke up at 9:00 again. Mom worked on the computer and phone. I read untill she told me to stop reading I got far! My brother and I worked on his counting skills all the way up to 23! ( he still can't get eleven just saying it in his head!) We got to the beach finally but we had to take a taxi and walk 15 minutes or so to actually get there. Of course when we get there the storm clouds start rolling in! UG! The ocean was disgusting because there is this one disgusting dirty river that leads to the ocean and sometimes it leads really far down into the ocean! :( WE met some people name Jackie who is the mom, and Martha who is my age. ( Score: I met a friend) Martha and I went swimming in the pool then the rain strted to kick in! :( Finally it had cleared up and Martha and I walked down to the beach to see if it was still disgusting water and it was beautiful crystal clear water! When Martha and I went swimming I saw atleast 10 dead fish just lying there! poor fishies! It was a GREAT day!
Monday, June 7, 2010
Day 6
Today we all woke up at 9:00 and I was so tired when I woke up I was sooooo tired and I wanted to go back to sleep but I didn't because I wanted to start the day faster! My brother had to go to the doctor because we found a HUMOUNGUS bump on the back of his ear. The doctor said if he has some kind of injury his head that what can happen.... it's sort of weird. Today was sunny then cloudy then sunny. We came home after the doctors and I started reading my summer reading books. I am reading The evolution of Calpurnia Tate! I haven't read much though, then I had to go running from 7:00 to 7:45! I just finished my shower and I feel much better! I am watching curious George with my bro. right now!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Day 5!
Today I woke up soooooo tired but I wanted to start the day early. I actually had to.. Because my mom and I were going for a run. We parked at the cottages we stayed at in January its name is Ansell's Thatch walk Cottages. It was one of my fav. places I have stayed here in Jamaica! It has an ocean right next to us. One of my mom's friends sister came. She has a son named Enrique ( I HAVE NO CLUE HOW TO SPELL IT!:( )
he cam running with us also! ( by the way he is 7 yrs. old) In the back of Ansell's there is the ocean and we were running right next to the water and it was literally trying to pull me in the water..EEK! When we were done Enrique was in the ocean swimming while I had to sit there and watch him...>:( but I am over it now I got my fill of swimming there today anyways! We just got back from going to the grocery store. Yes the grocery store is open at 11:00 pm. Well I have to go to bed right now! >:( heh
Love U Guys Lots!
he cam running with us also! ( by the way he is 7 yrs. old) In the back of Ansell's there is the ocean and we were running right next to the water and it was literally trying to pull me in the water..EEK! When we were done Enrique was in the ocean swimming while I had to sit there and watch him...>:( but I am over it now I got my fill of swimming there today anyways! We just got back from going to the grocery store. Yes the grocery store is open at 11:00 pm. Well I have to go to bed right now! >:( heh
Love U Guys Lots!
Friday, June 4, 2010
OK so we have internet for one day then Claro (our internet peeps) are going to call us to see when we can get internet again...? so today we all woke up at around 8:00. We started cleaning the house. Me and my brother played and watched Hotel For Dogs ( Good movie!:) ) we took a nap well he took a nap , a good one! I have been bugging my mom to go swimming all day because well u guys know how I am :0 hehe. So we are now going to the new famous Ricks cafe. MY FAVORITE PLACE EVER! If you don't know what it is, it is a place where there is a lot of cliffs and rocks and right beneath it is the clear blue ocean so I am implying that you can basically jump off these cliffs right into the ocean!. around those cliffs is a Cafe. It's great! :) I will upload some pics after the swimming! bibi
P.S love you guys lots! xoxoxoxoxoxo!
Monday, May 31, 2010
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